From either direction, you’re less than two miles from Hwy 70.
From the south on Highway 70 – either 1) turn right/east on S RR 7, which intersects 70 about one mile southwest of Portales, and proceed east for about 2 1/2 miles to Hwy 206. Then turning left, go north about 200 yards and turn left into our driveway or 2) go into Portales to the third light, which is at C Street, and turn right to go south on C (also Hwy 206) proceeding 1.9 miles to Almost Home (and our home).
From the north on Highway 70 (from Clovis) – go into Portales to the third light, which is C Street (also Hwy 206), and turn left going south proceeding 1.9 miles to Almost Home (and our home).